TPC offers 2D paint, rotoscoping and compositing services to all types of clients, including those on tight commercial deadlines.
Click below to see our latest projects:
Houzz: Real User Stories Compositing/tracking for all computer/ tablet screens Composite/Roto all elements together
Nissan Now: 2017 Safety Picks Roto and Paintfix all BG cars and Painted lanes
Party City: Halloween 2016 Roto and key pulls for FG characters
Nissan: Any Terrain Roto of all trucks an Trailers for CC
Monster Strike: Locker Room Paintfix/reconstruct BG plate & Roto FG characters
Symantec: Backup of Destiny Paintfix/ Logo removal on life jackets @5:50
T-Mobile: #TheBig7th MLB Tribute Opening shot 2D paint logo removal
Audi: The Game Roto of players on the field
Audi Connect: Errands 2D Paint, text changes, cleanup
Audi Connect: Date Night 2D Paint, text changes, cleanup
Audi Connect: Sunday Drive 2D Paint, text changes, cleanup
Corning: A Day Made of Glass All rotoscoping where actors interact with glass
Corning: Unpacked All rotoscoping where actors interact with glass
Little Buddy 2D Paint removal of actor's head/body above tv
Priceline Roto of hands over tablet
Plum Organics Rotoscoping and key pulls of baby